Women Breaking Hemp, 1893
‘Women Breaking Hemp’ photographed by Félix Arnaudin, print from a gelatin silver bromide negative. Commensacq, France 1893
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Women Breaking Hemp’ photographed by Félix Arnaudin, print from a gelatin silver bromide negative. Commensacq, France 1893
‘Spinners of the Distaff’ (Les Fileuses de Quenouilles), postcard showing women spinning hemp with pigs. Tarn, France pre1910
‘Women smoking waterpipe in front of a tent’ (Femme fumant le narguilé devant une tente), single view of a stereograph taken in North Africa, 1860’s
‘English women in Constantinople’ cabinet card photographed by Pascal Sébah. Istanbul, Turkey 1873
‘Cordai’ (Rope Maker) women prepare hemp in the field using hand tools, Cremona, Italy 1930
‘After the Bath’ by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824-1904) 19th century
Hemp Harvest, Italy 1940’s Notice that men, women and children were all involved in the hemp harvest… Family!
Three nude women smoke a waterpipe while dancing and playing music, Greek postcard, around 1910
‘Foochow Singing Women’ with water pipe on table by Lai Afong, Fuzhou ,China, 1870
‘Türkische Frauen’ (Turkish Women) by Ferdinand Max Bredt 1893