One Last Session, 1860
‘Group of Turks in Scutari Cemetery’ smoke a waterpipe (possibly Dervish), by James Robertson. Constantinople, Turkey 1860
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Group of Turks in Scutari Cemetery’ smoke a waterpipe (possibly Dervish), by James Robertson. Constantinople, Turkey 1860
‘Smoke billows from a pipe-smoking dream character as he walks on a ferocious crocodile which is a symbol of the earth’, one of 23 Untitled drawings from ‘Les Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel’ (The comical Dreams of Pantagruel) by Salvador Dali Read More …
‘Tobacco and Pipe Shop’ (Marchand de Tumbeki à des Narghilehs), photographed by Pascal Sebah. Cairo, Egypt 1860-1880
‘Fumerie de Kif’ (Smoking Kief/hash) by Gustave Flasschoen (1868–1940)
A ‘mbade’ (cigar/blunt)made by the Wahehe People from Tanzania 1922 The Worlds First Blunts… Mbade Long before New York crews started cracking Phillies, one tribe in Tanzania had already mastered the art of rolling the perfect blunt. The practice Read More …
‘Reefer Party’ photographed by Wayne Miller. South Side Chicago, Illinois 1948
Hemp trading card made by the French chocolate company ‘Chocolat Poulain’ from their series entitled Useful Plants (Les plantes utiles), France 1900 Industrial Useful Plants Hemp Plant of the family Ulmaceae, which is believed to be native to Read More …
‘Woman seated on the left is Era Kayo, who was a popular geiko in the Gion district of Kyoto during the 1870s, with geiko Chiyo standing on the right.’ They are dressed as kago-ya (palanquin bearers). Japan 1870’s ‘This carte Read More …
‘System for Drinking’ (Système de Boire) postcard. Syria 1928
‘The Smoking Moor’ by Peder Mork Monsted 1898