The Chibouk Smoker, 19th Century
‘Le Fumeur De Chibouk’ (The Chibouk Smoker) by Alexandre Gabriel Decamps, dated between 1820-1860
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Le Fumeur De Chibouk’ (The Chibouk Smoker) by Alexandre Gabriel Decamps, dated between 1820-1860
Early Reminiscences of the Hemp Giantesses “In driving through a part of Bohemia from Vienna to Dresden we had occasionally long stages, and in the twilight often saw, what at the time amazed and not a little startled me, Read More …
A Bear and Indian smoke a peace pipe by Charles Russell in 1915
‘Man with pipe and seated nude’ by Pablo Picasso 1969
Rattle and Smoke Dance In 1564 the French sent a party in a attempt to colonize Florida. Under the direction of explorers Jean Ribault and René Laudonnière, a group ventured deep into northern Florida. Jacques le Moyne de Morgues was Read More …