Foochow Singing Women, 1870
‘Foochow Singing Women’ with water pipe on table by Lai Afong, Fuzhou ,China, 1870
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Foochow Singing Women’ with water pipe on table by Lai Afong, Fuzhou ,China, 1870
The Hemp Seed Halloween Spell This Halloween anyone can find their one true love, no need for that high priced party you only need a pocket full of hemp seed! Tam O’Shanter and the Witches, illustration by John Faed to Read More …
‘A young village girl twisting hemp into yarn’, Photographed by George Silk. Italy May 1944
Native of Kashmir smoking primitive earth pipe, from Illustrated Archaeologist september 1894 Earth Pipe Utilizing a ancient technique our ancestors had no need for pipes to smoke their cannabis, instead they smoked the herb straight from the Earth! Read More …
‘The Spinner’ Relief/Carving. Young woman spinning and servant holding a fan. Found in Susa, present day Shush, Iran between 700-550 BC
A teacher educates a group of 9th grade students of the 636th male high school about plants on the school’s experimental farm site. A sign identifies the large Cannabis plant in the garden. Russia September 1950 конопля is Russian for Read More …
La Corroirie estate near Loches, France (this Hemp oven also served as a prison for misbehaving monks when not in use) Getting Baked With Hemp Across France ruins of hemp history decay. These abandoned structures loom high over farm lands Read More …
‘La recolte du chanvre dans la Sarthe’, The harvest of hemp in Sarthe, postcard from Ballon in Sarthe, France 1907
“Louie smokes marijuana?” – Richard Nixon’s response when he was told he had smuggled cannabis through customs for Louis Armstrong by his aid Charles McWhorter Louis Armstrong talks with Richard Nixon Satchmo’s Mule Louis Armstrong was considered a master Read More …
Russian Drug Agents raid Hemp farm for black market cannabis’, Kyrgyzstan, USSR 1956