Four Wheel Hemp Hauling, 1917
‘Worker hauls a wagon loaded with hemp using a experimental four-wheel drive International 8-16 tractor.’ Wisconsin 1917
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Worker hauls a wagon loaded with hemp using a experimental four-wheel drive International 8-16 tractor.’ Wisconsin 1917
Gathering the Ganja Crop, Naogaon, India – February 16, 1894 Grading Ganja In 1893 the British undertook an extensive study in India to look at all things Indian Hemp. The study looked at all aspects of the plant using Read More …
Camouflaged poppy field in Big Eddy, British Columbia, Canada 1920’s
‘Washtenaw county vice squad officers examine some of the more than 200 pounds of marijuana plants confiscated yesterday. The plants, found growing wild on two farms within a 15-mile radius of Ann Arbor, were trucked to the Willow Village Sheriff’s Read More …
Plate 4 – Scutching ‘A Treatise on Hemp’, book by Robert Wissett in 1808 “Of the various productions of nature, which are alike conducive to the comforts, to the opulence, to the security, and to the independent existence Read More …
A man gathers long stalks of hemp into a bundle, the hemp was used to produce binder twine. Wisconsin 1912
‘Superintendent Haney of International Harvester Company (left), South Dakota Senator Beebe, Professor Holden, and J.W. Parmley stand in a hemp field sown on May 19, 1917.’ Ipswitch, South Dakota – August 8, 1917
“Woman buying marijuana at an open market in Laos. It cost $1.50 per kilo. She filled up her bag and then smuggled it into Thailand, where it was illegal.” Laos, undated
King Comics #45, 1936
‘A Chinese seaman being arrested at the port of New York for the ‘attempted smuggling’.’ New York, 1926