Sister Sara, 1970s

‘Sister Sara’, headshop poster made by the Lagnaf Poster Co.  late 60’s/ early 70’s        

Devil’s Harvest, 1942

‘Devil’s Harvest’, movie  1942     ‘A Vicious Racket With It’s sic Arms Around Your Children! A fifth column sowing destruction in the youth of America. The truth about MARIJUANA the smoke of Hell!’  

The Narc Poster, 1972

‘These men are Narcotics Agents :  Due to the imminent possibility of more drug busts this weekend, we feel that these pictures of NARCS must come out immediately. Study them – Put them up – Pass them around – Everyone Read More …

The Devil’s Weed, 1949

‘The Devil’s Weed’ movie poster.  The movie originally titled ‘Wild Weed’ was made to capitalize on Lila Leeds 1948 marijuana arrest with Robert Mitchum and was released with many names including ‘She Shoulda Said No!‘.   1949      

Mary Jane Had a Stash, 1968

“Mary Jane had a stash, she kept it in her hat.  She also had a little hash, guess where she kept that?”  Mary Jane movie poster, 1968    

Smoke and Flesh, 1968

‘Smoke and Flesh’ movie poster from 1968    

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