Sweet Idleness, 1908
‘Dolce far niente’ / Sweet Idleness, postcard of a Baluba Man smoking from a water pipe. Belgian Congo, Africa around 1908
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Dolce far niente’ / Sweet Idleness, postcard of a Baluba Man smoking from a water pipe. Belgian Congo, Africa around 1908
‘Nénoucha and her Musician’, scenes et types de l’afrique du nord postcard. Taourirt, Morocco early 20th century
‘The Pasha and his Harem’ Port Said, Egypt 1880
‘A Reclining Turk’ by Henri Charles Antoine Baron 1844
‘Women smoking waterpipe in front of a tent’ (Femme fumant le narguilé devant une tente), single view of a stereograph taken in North Africa, 1860’s
Jordan Bates (actor Kevin Coughlin) smokes a waterpipe in the 1968 movie ‘Maryjane’
Actress Betty Blythe with waterpipe, Arcade Card early 1920’s Betty Blythe in Chu Chin Chow 1923
Love Puff, San Francisco, California 1968
‘English women in Constantinople’ cabinet card photographed by Pascal Sébah. Istanbul, Turkey 1873
‘Two Harvard students, one seated behind a desk and one lying in a hammock’, Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts between 1888-90 The ‘one seated behind a desk’ puffing his pipe Of course no proper stoner Read More …