This Yards Gone to Pot, 1935

“A San Franciscan was scheduled to go into court today to explain why he was growing marijuana in the front yard of his home. Rinaldo Gotti was arrested by State Narcotic Inspector Bernard Blonder and Agents Ed Oliva and William Read More …

Turkish family with Sheikh, 1870

‘Turkish family with Sheikh‘ smoke a waterpipe, Albumen print by the Abdullah Brothers in Istanbul, Turkey 1870    

Ganja Plant Almost Ready To Cut, 1894

“Ganja plant almost ready to cut”, Naogaon, India February 16, 1894 (Photo from the British ‘Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895’) Plate 35    

Happy 420, 1885

4:19       4:20       Happy 420 everyone!   Photographs – Girls pose in Turkish studio, Istanbul 1885

Hemp Plots, 1915

“Hemp plots”, at a Agricultural Experiment Station grown by the College of Agriculture under the University of Kentucky August 19, 1915    

Heidelberg University Karzer, 1900

Students at the University of Heidelberg take a break from their studies while smoking opium.  These students are housed/held in the university prison room known as the Karzer  (c. 1900)