Persian Dervish, Undated
‘A Persian dervish smoking a pipe’, unknown artist from Persia, Undated (pre1900) Ink drawing held by the British Museum in London
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‘A Persian dervish smoking a pipe’, unknown artist from Persia, Undated (pre1900) Ink drawing held by the British Museum in London
‘Café in Constantinople’ by Alexandre Bida 1847 “This precise and carefully finished work reflects an unusual technique. Building up the entire area with ink and graphite over white chalk, Bida used a stylus to scratch a comprehensive network of Read More …
Native of Kashmir smoking primitive earth pipe, from Illustrated Archaeologist september 1894 Earth Pipe Utilizing a ancient technique our ancestors had no need for pipes to smoke their cannabis, instead they smoked the herb straight from the Earth! Read More …
‘The Spinner’ Relief/Carving. Young woman spinning and servant holding a fan. Found in Susa, present day Shush, Iran between 700-550 BC
‘Coffee seller’ photographed by Abdullah Frères in Constantinople/Istanbul, Turkey 1870
‘Dervishes in the Garden’ smoking pipes and playing music photographed by Dmitri Ivanovich Yermakov in Tehran, Iran ( Persia ) 1870’s
Men relax in a Bustine Garden, Persia (present day Iran) 1910 “Messrs. Gunning, Thornton, Wood and Garden relaxing in Bustine, Persia. Mr. Wood is smoking a hookah pipe.”
Untitled watercolor by Anon, 1820. Captioned – A European, probably Sir David Ochterlony (1758-1825), in Indian dress, smoking a hookah and watching a nautch in his house at Delhi. A British Surgeon puts Ganjah on the Medical Map In Read More …