The Chibouk Smoker, 19th Century
‘Le Fumeur De Chibouk’ (The Chibouk Smoker) by Alexandre Gabriel Decamps, dated between 1820-1860
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‘Le Fumeur De Chibouk’ (The Chibouk Smoker) by Alexandre Gabriel Decamps, dated between 1820-1860
‘A Dervish Drinks’ from The Habits of the Grand Signor’s Court, Turkey 1620
‘A group of Danish artists in Rome’ by Constantin Hansen 1837
‘A Reclining Turk’ by Henri Charles Antoine Baron 1844
‘Turk Smoking a Chibouk Pipe’, Turkey 1875
‘Café in Constantinople’ by Alexandre Bida 1847 “This precise and carefully finished work reflects an unusual technique. Building up the entire area with ink and graphite over white chalk, Bida used a stylus to scratch a comprehensive network of Read More …
‘Coffee seller’ photographed by Abdullah Frères in Constantinople/Istanbul, Turkey 1870
‘La Grande Odalisque’ by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1814 Chibouk pipe and incense box detail
A group of Dervish gather at smoke out by Antoin Sevruguin. Tehran, Iran 1901
‘Tunisian Pilgrim’ engraving by Alois Schönn in 1878