Woman Eating Hemp, 18th Century
‘La Corderie: Femme Mangeant du Chanvre’ (The Ropeworks: Woman Eating Hemp), by Jean Baptiste Huët (1745-1811) oil on canvas Watercolor with pen and ink “O, she’s warm! If this be magic, let it Read More …
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘La Corderie: Femme Mangeant du Chanvre’ (The Ropeworks: Woman Eating Hemp), by Jean Baptiste Huët (1745-1811) oil on canvas Watercolor with pen and ink “O, she’s warm! If this be magic, let it Read More …
Fernande Barrey, french postcard labeled ‘JA Serie 67’ photographed by Jean Agélou. France between 1910-17
‘After the Bath’ by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824-1904) 19th century
Three nude women smoke a waterpipe while dancing and playing music, Greek postcard, around 1910
‘Haschisch’ by Alfred Zimmermann, printed in Jugend magazine. Germany 1901
‘Playing Knucklebones’, painting by Paul Alexander Alfred Leroy 1898
‘La Grande Odalisque’ by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1814 Chibouk pipe and incense box detail
‘Man with pipe and seated nude’ by Pablo Picasso 1969
‘Smoke and Flesh’ movie poster from 1968
“Opium dreams: smoker with papal solider discovering the mystery of the Trinity in the breasts and the dove of a woman, with triangular hat jester behind” – Pablo Picasso, 1968 etching