Cordai, 1930

‘Cordai’ (Rope Maker) women prepare hemp in the field using hand tools,  Cremona, Italy 1930        

Noon at Hamburg Place, 1900’s

‘Noon at Hamburg Place’ postcard, Lexington, Kentucky  early 1900’s    

RIP Nevil Schoenmakers

“Taken too soon on March 30, 2019. You fought bravely but lost the battle. Know that your dream will live on Nevil and the world will be a better place because of it.” – Obituary from his family in The Read More …

Zig-Zag, 1901

‘The world’s best branded cigarette paper’ (Le meilleur papier à cigarettes premiere marque du monde)  advertisement for Zig-Zag by Gaspar Camps  1901    

Sangha Horn Waterpipe, 1900’s

‘Sangha man smoking from a waterpipe made from a horn known to be used for smoking cannabis’ postcard,  Brazzaville, Congo early 1900’s      

Two Monkeys Smoking a Pipe, 1635

‘Two Monkeys Smoking a Pipe’ (Twee apen roken pijp) engraving by Quirijn Boel from David Teniers II artwork,  Belgium 1635      

Distaff Spinning Contest, 1900s

‘Competing in a distaff spinning contest’ (concours de filage à la quenouille concurentes) postcard.  Gourdon, France early 1900’s  

Arab Warrior Smoking a Narguile, 1863

‘Arab warrior smoking a narguile’  (Guerrero árabe fumando un narguile) by Mariano Fortuny 1863  

Lost in a Harem, 1944

‘Lost in a Harem’ starring Abbott and Costello, 1944    

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