Nénoucha and her Musician, 1900’s
‘Nénoucha and her Musician’, scenes et types de l’afrique du nord postcard. Taourirt, Morocco early 20th century
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Nénoucha and her Musician’, scenes et types de l’afrique du nord postcard. Taourirt, Morocco early 20th century
Cover of ‘Games and songs of American children’ by William Newell in 1884 Hemp Follows the Needle Our culture with hemp is so intertwined within the human experience that to this day, we still teach hemp culture to our children Read More …
‘Men watch over a hemp breaking machine, in the background women finish the processed hemp with a whipping motion before placing the finished hemp bundles onto a table(cart?)’ Bologna, Italy 1920/30s
‘The Pasha and his Harem’ Port Said, Egypt 1880
‘Ying Tsun-shen of the Institute of Botany in Beijing beside a large crop of Cannabis sativa L.’ in the vicinity of Longtan, China July 1984
‘A Reclining Turk’ by Henri Charles Antoine Baron 1844
‘Women smoking waterpipe in front of a tent’ (Femme fumant le narguilé devant une tente), single view of a stereograph taken in North Africa, 1860’s
‘Root of an Evil’ – Police officer Bernard Gallagher uproots a marijuana plant in Golden Gate Park. Tended by a gardener who said he didn’t know what it was, the plant was capable of producing about $100 worth of dope. Read More …
Jordan Bates (actor Kevin Coughlin) smokes a waterpipe in the 1968 movie ‘Maryjane’
‘The Weed Men’ another adventure of Captain Justice & Co., book from the Boy’s Friend Library Series #541 by Murray Roberts, 1936