La Grande Odalisque, 1814

‘La Grande Odalisque’ by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1814         Chibouk pipe and incense box detail

Dervish Smoke Out, 1901

A group of Dervish gather at smoke out by Antoin Sevruguin. Tehran, Iran 1901    

Men Relax in a Persian Garden, 1910

Men relax in a Bustine Garden, Persia (present day Iran) 1910   “Messrs. Gunning, Thornton, Wood and Garden relaxing in Bustine, Persia. Mr. Wood is smoking a hookah pipe.”  

After the Stage, a Pipe of Kif

“After the Stage, a Pipe of Kif”, Saharan Desert, 1890-1905    

The Sultan’s Favorite Dream

“Part of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.” – Mark Twain     The Sultan’s Favorite Dream In Turkey exist a dish so perfect that Read More …

The most humble Riza ‘Abbasi drew it, 1622

Nashmi the Archer, Inscribed on the back ‘the most humble Riza ‘Abbasi drew it.’  c.1622     Nashmi the Archer, by Riza ‘Abbasi c.1622     Close up of Nashmi the Archer’s hashish waterpipe