A Ganja Field, 1894

“A Ganja Field” Khandesh, India – 1894 (Photo from the British ‘Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895′) Plate 70

Specimens of Male and Female Hemp, 1893

“Specimens of male(right) and female(left) hemp plants from the seed field, Khandwa, India” October 28, 1893, from the British ‘Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895’ Plate 97  

Cannabis Dances with the Devil

“Lady, Poya night, Devil dance, Lady like see?” It was our appoo (house servant) who spoke, I had commissioned him to a acquire all information concerning the holding of such rites, made up of barbarism, superstition and genuine Oriental occultism. Read More …