Lost in a Harem, 1944
‘Lost in a Harem’ starring Abbott and Costello, 1944
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Lost in a Harem’ starring Abbott and Costello, 1944
Paul Newman and Geraldine Page smoking hashish in ‘Sweet Bird of Youth’ 1962 “This is pretty high-class pot. Where’d you get it? You beautiful, stupid young man. That is not pot. It’s hashish. Moroccan, and the finest. Read More …
‘The Devil’s Weed’ movie poster. The movie originally titled ‘Wild Weed’ was made to capitalize on Lila Leeds 1948 marijuana arrest with Robert Mitchum and was released with many names including ‘She Shoulda Said No!‘. 1949
The Saturday Night Kid, 1929 banned poster under the Hollywood Code for Clara Bow lifting her dress. The Hollywood Code Even before audio was introduced to cinema many were already trying to censor what was shown on the big Read More …
Mitchum’s attorney, the famed Jerry Giesler, told the court the indictment against his handsome client was void and invalid because its language was “indefinite, uncertain, and unintelligible.” “Parts of it,” he said, “aren’t even in the English language. The only Read More …
“I want people to be able to see it from Wilshire.” -Harry Chandler, describing his vision of the Hollywoodland sign A publicity photo for the Hollywoodland subdivision’s groundbreaking includes a plow, mule and surveyors. 1923 Hollyweed In 1923, wanting Read More …