Water Pipe Yak, 1775
Base for a Water Pipe (huqqa) made from a Yak’s Horn with decorative iron & brass mounts. Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan (modern day Pakistan) made between 1775-1800
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
Base for a Water Pipe (huqqa) made from a Yak’s Horn with decorative iron & brass mounts. Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan (modern day Pakistan) made between 1775-1800
‘Turk Smoking a Chibouk Pipe’, Turkey 1875
‘Café in Constantinople’ by Alexandre Bida 1847 “This precise and carefully finished work reflects an unusual technique. Building up the entire area with ink and graphite over white chalk, Bida used a stylus to scratch a comprehensive network of Read More …
‘Haschisch’ by Alfred Zimmermann, printed in Jugend magazine. Germany 1901
‘Moorish Coffee House’, photochrome print. Algiers 1899
British officers relax while smoking chibouk (Ottoman) smoking pipes during the Crimean War. Crimea, 1855-1856
“Metal hashish pipe wrapped in leather with a metal tong and reamer set that has been decorated with incised lines. Given to Lester B. McAllister by a French Foreign Legion officer in Tindouf, Algeria, in February, 1943.”