B-24 “Little Flower”, WW2
B-24 “Little Flower” from the 308th Bomb Group, flew in WW2.
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B-24 “Little Flower” from the 308th Bomb Group, flew in WW2.
Snap, Crackle, Pop It was 1808, Monsieur de Grandpré was dating a famous opera singer by the name of Mademoiselle Tirevit, she even lived with him at the time. Jolly Ol’ Grandpre comes home to catch Monsieur Le Pique Read More …
Cincinnati daily press, newspaper, February 23, 1861 Impressions of a Pilot Flight is freedom in its purest form, To dance with the clouds which follow a storm; To roll and glide, to wheel and spin, To feel the joy Read More …