Log Cabin Hemp Brake, 1900
‘Older man in a felt hat operating a hemp brake. He is standing in front of a log cabin, with a tall split-rail fence in the background.’ Mercer County, Kentucky 1900-1904
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‘Older man in a felt hat operating a hemp brake. He is standing in front of a log cabin, with a tall split-rail fence in the background.’ Mercer County, Kentucky 1900-1904
‘Selection of hemp for seed’ (Selezione canaponi per semi). Bentivoglio, Italy pre WW2 (1930/40’s)
Inspector Frank Creta watches as the ‘White Wing Squad’ digs up marijuana plants from an empty lot on Cozine Avenue. Brooklyn, New York 1951
‘Old Spinner’ (vieille fileuse) postcard. Bourbonnais, France early 1900’s
‘Tall weeds thought to be marijuana examined by Vice Detectives at police headquarters’, Oklahoma July 15, 1972
Hemp trading card made by the French chocolate company ‘Chocolat Poulain’ from their series entitled Useful Plants (Les plantes utiles), France 1900 Industrial Useful Plants Hemp Plant of the family Ulmaceae, which is believed to be native to Read More …
Research associate and later director Carlton Turner (former Drug Czar under Ronald Reagan) examining cannabis grown at the University of Mississippi’s Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Medical Gardens, Mississippi late 1970’s
‘The Cultivation of hemp’ (La Culture De Chanvre), photographed by F. Chapeau in Behuard, France photographed sometime between 1911-1955, postcard published late 50’s If you look real close you can just make out who I’m guessing to be his wife Read More …
‘Working in a Hemp Field’, men work to harvest a hemp field utilizing a hemp braking machine. Kentucky 1905
‘Adam Tilling the Ground and Eve Spinning’ stained glass panel dating to the 14th Century, originally displayed in the Marienkirche (St. Mary’s) church in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. Following WW2 the panel was seized from Potsdam by the Soviet Military Administration Read More …