The Spinner, 700-550BC
‘The Spinner’ Relief/Carving. Young woman spinning and servant holding a fan. Found in Susa, present day Shush, Iran between 700-550 BC
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘The Spinner’ Relief/Carving. Young woman spinning and servant holding a fan. Found in Susa, present day Shush, Iran between 700-550 BC
Gypsy Musicians perform in the Russian Empire, 1865 Musical Marijuana From humanities earliest musical notes, the fans who followed the sound have shared in a ancient musical tradition handed down for centuries: smoking cannabis! Smoking hashish from a Read More …
Men relax in a Bustine Garden, Persia (present day Iran) 1910 “Messrs. Gunning, Thornton, Wood and Garden relaxing in Bustine, Persia. Mr. Wood is smoking a hookah pipe.”
Hemp Seed Fan… Aren’t we all… Fan set up in field for cleaning hemp seed, Experiment Farm, 1906