Pouring out the Loot, 1952
“Narcotics ring broken…$30,000 worth taken”, A.V. Beckner poses pouring out loot. Los Angels, California. March 11, 1952
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
“Narcotics ring broken…$30,000 worth taken”, A.V. Beckner poses pouring out loot. Los Angels, California. March 11, 1952
Once we had all reached the marijuana fields on that hot day, the press was allowed a photo opportunity… Barry Inman was the only one I saw with a machete, which he happily wielded on plant after plant… “I love Read More …
Gather Marijuana Four Indiana State Police Troopers, from left, Ronald Albright, Det. Sgt. Robert Zack, Edward Galloway and Robert Candler, clear a building near North Liberty, Sunday, of marijuana where three laskens(?) had stored it. The large cache was valued Read More …
“Dean Lloyd (left) and ABC Officer Fred Hennessee (right) amongst marijuana plants. This is possibly a picture of a bust.” Burke County, North Carolina, late 1970’s Notice the vertical MH lights… Pioneers…
Mitchum’s attorney, the famed Jerry Giesler, told the court the indictment against his handsome client was void and invalid because its language was “indefinite, uncertain, and unintelligible.” “Parts of it,” he said, “aren’t even in the English language. The only Read More …
1948 NYPD Narcotics arrest, news video. Five men and one woman were busted in a 1948 NYPD raid. 1948 NEW YORK CITY MARIJUANA BUST Busted: Five men and one woman were busted in a 1948 NYPD raid; here, two Read More …
“Undercover LAPD officers Dwane White (left), and Yolanda Gonzales appear at a press conference with Chief Daryl Gates, where Gates said the two were among eight undercover agents behind a narcotics operation at nine city high schools. They found 201 Read More …