Heavenly Hemp King Bust, 791A.D.

Ancient Heavenly King Bust (One of four Buddhist gods who watch over each of the cardinal directions of the world) found in Japan:  “This sculpture has been made by superimposing layers of soaked hemp lacquer: hemp can be woven ( lower Read More …

Reagan’s Symbolic Raid, 1966

Newly elected California Governor Ronald Reagan ordered a symbolic raid on the ‘Psychedelic Shop’ on Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco to make good on his campaign promise to crack down on the ‘hippie movement’.  Hoping to find drugs none were found Read More …

Everybody Runs, 1977

‘Everybody runs as big drug bust goes down’ in the 500 block of Haight Street in San Francisco, California  November 4, 1977          

San Francisco Warehouse Grow, 1988

“Marijuana farm in San Francisco. Two warehouse marijuana farms were busted by San Francisco undercover police on Bancroft Street and Napoleon Street. This was the main growing room where plants had already been pulled and a police officer was examining Read More …

Pop Pot, 1973

An unidentified chemist holds a container of marijuana plants found by police in an apartment in Northwest Washington D.C. in 1973.      

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