Valley youths booked in Van Nuys, 1954
“Valley youths booked in Van Nuys on suspicion of violating State Narcotic Act awaiting questioning. In the foreground is confiscated marijuana.” Los Angeles, California October 12, 1954
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“Valley youths booked in Van Nuys on suspicion of violating State Narcotic Act awaiting questioning. In the foreground is confiscated marijuana.” Los Angeles, California October 12, 1954
‘Chief of Police, James Orr, pictured with captured peyote and marijuana’. Fairfax, California June 9, 1967
‘500 marijuana plants were seized in the basement of an empty warehouse on 3rd Street. SFPD Crime Lab Investigator Bob Fitzer dusted the indoor grow lights for finger prints just before the SFPD and members of the DEA began to Read More …
‘5.5 tons of marijuana in a Hertz truck, loaded off two vessels. The larger boat is the Andiamo, the smaller one the Mercy Wiggins AKA the Ruth Ann’. San Francisco, California May 5, 1971 Walter Pardaen with the life Read More …
‘Drug bust in San Francisco. Agent Matt O’Connor aims his gun at suspects.’ San Francisco, California October 3, 1963
‘Detective Lieutenants R.S. Hamilton, E.J. Henry, and E.C. Biffle with suspect Adolfo Campos and a suitcase full of smuggled marijuana’, Los Angeles, California – Early 1940’s
‘Deputy Sheriff Earl Talbot and Deputy Sheriff Woody Caruth posing with arsenal taken from home in a narcotic raid.’ Los Angeles, California May 13, 1957
‘Frank J. Long, custom agent with six bags of confiscated marijuana’, in San Francisco, California October 16, 1969
‘Washtenaw county vice squad officers examine some of the more than 200 pounds of marijuana plants confiscated yesterday. The plants, found growing wild on two farms within a 15-mile radius of Ann Arbor, were trucked to the Willow Village Sheriff’s Read More …
‘The Devil’s Weed’ movie poster. The movie originally titled ‘Wild Weed’ was made to capitalize on Lila Leeds 1948 marijuana arrest with Robert Mitchum and was released with many names including ‘She Shoulda Said No!‘. 1949