Marijuana Flambeau, 1978

United States Customs Agent sits on confiscated bales of Marijuana found on the ship the ‘Flambeau’ in the Florida Keys, 1978    

Attempted Smuggling, 1926

‘A Chinese seaman being arrested at the port of New York for the ‘attempted smuggling’.’  New York, 1926    

Sniff Out Demonstration, 1971

“A police dog being used to ‘sniff out’ cannabis in a demonstration.” from the book ‘Drug Exposure; The SA Scene’ by Dr. AD Bensusan, 1971  

Reagan’s Symbolic Raid, 1966

Newly elected California Governor Ronald Reagan ordered a symbolic raid on the ‘Psychedelic Shop’ on Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco to make good on his campaign promise to crack down on the ‘hippie movement’.  Hoping to find drugs none were found Read More …

Jamaican Garden, 1973

Steve Lamb checking out a cannabis garden in Jamaica.  Steve is one of a group of seven men known as the Steinhatchee Seven caught smuggling 9 tons of square grouper into Florida on a shrimp boat in ’73.    Jamaica, Read More …

Everybody Runs, 1977

‘Everybody runs as big drug bust goes down’ in the 500 block of Haight Street in San Francisco, California  November 4, 1977          

Raiding Humboldt, 1972

Raiding Humboldt A botched narcotics raid on a cloudy Humboldt afternoon in 1972 would forever escalate the war on drugs. Dirk Dickenson and his girlfriend Judy Arnold enjoyed their off grid homesteaded on Pratt mountain in Humboldt County, California.  Their Read More …

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