Kiwi Seedlings, 1970
‘Marijuana seedlings, part of a planting being investigated by Wellington drug squad detectives.’ Porirua, New Zealand November 4, 1970
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Marijuana seedlings, part of a planting being investigated by Wellington drug squad detectives.’ Porirua, New Zealand November 4, 1970
Inspector Frank Creta watches as the ‘White Wing Squad’ digs up marijuana plants from an empty lot on Cozine Avenue. Brooklyn, New York 1951
‘Tall weeds thought to be marijuana examined by Vice Detectives at police headquarters’, Oklahoma July 15, 1972
‘Weedhead, Tramp’, Phyllis Stalnaker mugshot from the old San Diego police headquarters museum at Seaport. San Diego, California 1944
‘Chief of Police, James Orr, pictured with captured peyote and marijuana’. Fairfax, California June 9, 1967
‘500 marijuana plants were seized in the basement of an empty warehouse on 3rd Street. SFPD Crime Lab Investigator Bob Fitzer dusted the indoor grow lights for finger prints just before the SFPD and members of the DEA began to Read More …
‘Hippie Hero Dana Beal, 21, is carried on the shoulders of friends after he was released on $3,000 bail on charges of selling LSD, his arrest touched off an all night vigil by some 25 hippie friends outside the Federal Read More …
’30 pounds of what police believe to be ‘Colombian’ marijuana displayed by Rockie J. Yardley an officer in the technical investigation division.’ Edmond, Oklahoma August 13, 1980
‘The jail cell here is crowded with hippies arrested for attempting to harvest the area’s wild marijuana crop which grows in ditches and pastures. Police have arrested 24 long haired types from all over the country on charges of possessing Read More …
‘Marijuana is weighed and checked by Jim Farris, left, Sheriff Bob Turner and O.E. Higginbotham. Recovered after local farmer called deputies to investigate a army barracks bag deposited by two men in his fields four miles north of Oklahoma City.’ Read More …