Hill Street Blues, 1938
‘Marijuana Plant at 140 Hill St’, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1938
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Marijuana Plant at 140 Hill St’, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1938
A truck parked outside a movie theater advertising the movie premier of ‘Assassin of Youth’, Omaha, Nebraska November 1938
The Plaza in Vancouver doubling down on the propaganda films showing both ‘Marihuana’ and ‘Assassin of Youth’. Signs on theater read ‘Marijuana (Weed with Roots in Hell)’, ‘Reefer’, ‘Assassin of Youth’. Vancouver, Canada July 22, 1938
“One often asks oneself what roles planning and chance play in the realization of the most important events in our lives” – Albert Hofmann in a 1996 Worlds of Consciousness Conference speech in Heidelberg, Germany Man smoking pipe with bicycle, Read More …
‘Specimen of marijuana growing on farm near Plano, Illinois.’ 1938