Pigs Can’t Spin, pre1910
‘Spinners of the Distaff’ (Les Fileuses de Quenouilles), postcard showing women spinning hemp with pigs. Tarn, France pre1910
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‘Spinners of the Distaff’ (Les Fileuses de Quenouilles), postcard showing women spinning hemp with pigs. Tarn, France pre1910
‘The Treatment of Hemp’ photographed by Karel Plicka. Prislop, Slovakia 1925
The “Bargassado” (special title used locally for the day of breaking fiber) postcard. Massat, France pre1910
‘Alsatian at the Wheel’ (Alsacienne au Rouet) postcard, Alsace, France before 1910
Fernande Barrey, french postcard labeled ‘JA Serie 67’ photographed by Jean Agélou. France between 1910-17
‘Fredric Weed’, 2nd baseman for the Spokane Team (Pacific Coast League), 1910 Obak tobacco baseball card
Hemp stacked and retting on the banks of the Loire River, postcard from Ingrandes, France 1910
‘Moorish Court Reception’, Ladies smoking & drinking tea, Algiers, Africa 1910
‘Smoke Rings’ postcard from 1910
Men pose in Hemp Field, unmarked between 1910-1930