Job Papier, 1894
‘Papier à cigarettes’ advertisement for Job rolling papers by Georges Meunier in 1894
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Papier à cigarettes’ advertisement for Job rolling papers by Georges Meunier in 1894
Native of Kashmir smoking primitive earth pipe, from Illustrated Archaeologist september 1894 Earth Pipe Utilizing a ancient technique our ancestors had no need for pipes to smoke their cannabis, instead they smoked the herb straight from the Earth! Read More …
Gathering the Ganja Crop, Naogaon, India – February 16, 1894 Grading Ganja In 1893 the British undertook an extensive study in India to look at all things Indian Hemp. The study looked at all aspects of the plant using Read More …
“Ganja plant almost ready to cut”, Naogaon, India February 16, 1894 (Photo from the British ‘Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895’) Plate 35
“Gathering the Ganja Crop”, Naogaon, India – February 16, 1894 – (Photo from the British ‘Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895’) plate 110
“A Ganja Field” Khandesh, India – 1894 (Photo from the British ‘Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895′) Plate 70
“A Group of plants in the spontaneous growth of bhang at Amritsar” April 23, 1894 (Photo from the British ‘Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895’) Plate 38