The Treatment of Hemp, 1925
‘The Treatment of Hemp’ photographed by Karel Plicka. Prislop, Slovakia 1925
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘The Treatment of Hemp’ photographed by Karel Plicka. Prislop, Slovakia 1925
‘Dolce far niente’ / Sweet Idleness, postcard of a Baluba Man smoking from a water pipe. Belgian Congo, Africa around 1908
‘Nénoucha and her Musician’, scenes et types de l’afrique du nord postcard. Taourirt, Morocco early 20th century
‘Noon at Hamburg Place’ postcard, Lexington, Kentucky early 1900’s
‘Sangha man smoking from a waterpipe made from a horn known to be used for smoking cannabis’ postcard, Brazzaville, Congo early 1900’s
‘Competing in a distaff spinning contest’ (concours de filage à la quenouille concurentes) postcard. Gourdon, France early 1900’s
‘Les Boissons Le Café’ (Drinks at the cafe) French postcard, 1902 Colorized versions of the same postcard
The “Bargassado” (special title used locally for the day of breaking fiber) postcard. Massat, France pre1910
‘Alsatian at the Wheel’ (Alsacienne au Rouet) postcard, Alsace, France before 1910
‘Hindu smoking a pipe’ (Hindou fumant a la pipe), WW1 postcard. Marseille, France 1914