Kiwi Seedlings, 1970
‘Marijuana seedlings, part of a planting being investigated by Wellington drug squad detectives.’ Porirua, New Zealand November 4, 1970
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Marijuana seedlings, part of a planting being investigated by Wellington drug squad detectives.’ Porirua, New Zealand November 4, 1970
‘Older man in a felt hat operating a hemp brake. He is standing in front of a log cabin, with a tall split-rail fence in the background.’ Mercer County, Kentucky 1900-1904
‘Smoke billows from a pipe-smoking dream character as he walks on a ferocious crocodile which is a symbol of the earth’, one of 23 Untitled drawings from ‘Les Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel’ (The comical Dreams of Pantagruel) by Salvador Dali Read More …
‘Selection of hemp for seed’ (Selezione canaponi per semi). Bentivoglio, Italy pre WW2 (1930/40’s)