Fumeur de Hachiche, 1900
“EGYPTE – fumeur de Hachiche” The Hashish Smoker, Egyptian postcard from around 1900
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
“EGYPTE – fumeur de Hachiche” The Hashish Smoker, Egyptian postcard from around 1900
Jeune femme au narguilé. Tirage argentique d’époque “Young woman with Hookah, vintage silver print” by Lehnert & Landrock – Tunisia, 1920
“Man smoking water pipe on city sidewalk”, Hong Kong, China 1940’s
Man smoking hookah in shop with boy, Agra, India 1950’s
“Smoking hemp” in Swaziland, South Africa. Pre 1900
Man smoking hookah in Lahore, Pakistan 1952
“The poets say some moths will do anything out of love for a flame… The moth takes off again, and we both step back, because he’s circling at eye level now and seems to have lost rudder control, smacking into Read More …
Nautch girls with Hookah, Kashmir, an albumen print by Frith, c.1870s
“Two farmers taking a break in the shade.” Punjab (province) Lahore, Pakistan 1952 Two farmers taking a break in the shade man with hookah setting fire. Punjab (province) Lahore, Pakistan 1952
Two Egyptian Women and Girl in Costume, One Veiled, With Hookah (Water Pipe) – c.1917