Coffee Seller, 1870
‘Coffee seller’ photographed by Abdullah Frères in Constantinople/Istanbul, Turkey 1870
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Coffee seller’ photographed by Abdullah Frères in Constantinople/Istanbul, Turkey 1870
‘Scene of the Desert Life: Bedouin smoking a chibouk pipe resting beside his camel’, Postcard. Egypt 1901
‘La Grande Odalisque’ by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1814 Chibouk pipe and incense box detail
A group of Dervish gather at smoke out by Antoin Sevruguin. Tehran, Iran 1901
‘Türkische Frauen’ (Turkish Women) by Ferdinand Max Bredt 1893
British officers relax while smoking chibouk (Ottoman) smoking pipes during the Crimean War. Crimea, 1855-1856
Turkish figures smoking a pipe standing beside a horse’ sketch by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer (1802-1873) The Syrian Horse In 1851, a western author traveling through the middle east witnessed a peculiar surgery performed on a horse. While Read More …
‘Tunisian Pilgrim’ engraving by Alois Schönn in 1878
‘Dervish smoking a pipe’ by Antoin Sevruguin. Iran 1895-1900
‘Fumeur de pipe orientale’ by Leroy Alphonse-Alexandre (1820-1902)