Femme Fumant Le Narguile, 1860’s
‘Women smoking waterpipe in front of a tent’ (Femme fumant le narguilé devant une tente), single view of a stereograph taken in North Africa, 1860’s
The underground blog exploring the untold history of Cannabis...
‘Women smoking waterpipe in front of a tent’ (Femme fumant le narguilé devant une tente), single view of a stereograph taken in North Africa, 1860’s
Jordan Bates (actor Kevin Coughlin) smokes a waterpipe in the 1968 movie ‘Maryjane’
‘English women in Constantinople’ cabinet card photographed by Pascal Sébah. Istanbul, Turkey 1873
‘Sangha man smoking from a waterpipe made from a horn known to be used for smoking cannabis’ postcard, Brazzaville, Congo early 1900’s
‘Arab warrior smoking a narguile’ (Guerrero árabe fumando un narguile) by Mariano Fortuny 1863
Group smoking a water pipe, Aden, Yemen 1870’s
‘The Hashish Smoker’ (La fumeuse de Haschisch) by Émile Bernard, signed ‘Le Caire’ (Cairo) 1900
‘Femme Persienne’ (Persian Woman) engraving by Gérard Scotin from the work of artist Jean-Baptiste Vanmour printed in ‘Recueil de cent estampes representant differentes nations du Levant’ (Collection of one hundred prints representing different nations of the Levant). Printed in 1714 Read More …
‘Hindu smoking a pipe’ (Hindou fumant a la pipe), WW1 postcard. Marseille, France 1914
‘A 1970 raid on a Washington, D.C. Apartment by metropolitan police officers resulted in the seizure of LSD and marijuana, as well as the unusual antique chandelier. The light fixtures on the chandelier had been removed and replaced with rubber Read More …